> women's shoes > Women's Shoes - Their Happiness Quotient
Women's Shoes - Their Happiness Quotient
Posted on Jumat, 01 Juli 2011 by Elwina
How many times have we heard about the common perception about how hard it is to impress women? And well, how many times have women responded to it with an exasperated expression? Quite often, to be honest. Well, it's justifiable actually because the truth is that women are very easy to please, despite the popular belief. Women's lives are made up of little things that can make or spoil their day. Yes some things may feature a little higher and more important than others but they are little things after all. A woman's shoes happen to be one of them and this almost everyone knows for sure.
Women relate to shoes in a way that remains exclusive to them. Men rarely get the connection and they don't have to either. Women and their world of shoes is good enough anyways. Give her a pair of shoes that she likes and you are in company of a happy woman indeed. Everyone knows how shopping remains one of the most effective ways to unwind for women, a rather costly way but very effective all the same. And if we let statistics speak, it would be clear that among the shopping list, women's shoes happen to be the most comforting expenditure for them. Science would probably give you unique answers for the weird wiring between women's shoes and their mood. These reasons vary from influencing the way a woman feels about herself in sense of the confidence she radiates to more scientific ones that somehow relate her shoes to her neurological state that makes her happy. And its not a sudden change in the lifestyle that makes shoes such an integral part of a woman's life today. Women have always rejoiced with every single pair of shoes they add to their collection. In fact, if anything, women's shoes have gone from becoming a mere indulgence to a downright necessity today.
Any woman who has ever entered a store with a card would vouch for it- when a woman goes shopping, she is content first and guilty later. But when a she goes shopping for shoes, she is content first and happy later, that is until she comes across another pair she wants. Somehow a woman's shoes are looked at more as a part of the daily requirement by them, something as essential as a day cream. Life seems unimaginable without it. That is why an indulgence in shoes is not even seen that way by most women. At the most, it is an early investment that every woman knows would pay off some other day. Irrational, you think? Of course not. Shoes happen to have an enviable psychological effect on women's mood. A single pair can make them smile for an entire day. Of course, on the flip side it can also just as easily ruin their day too.
It would be highly rare to come across a woman who is not obsessed with shoes. It is part of the estrogen package. Even if every woman you come across does not possess a shoes' collection with 500 pairs to flaunt, rest assured she has dreamed about it well enough.
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